Wir danken unseren Stiftern, Spendern und Sponsoren
Einen besonders herzlichen Dank richten wir an unsere Spender und Sponsoren, die die unterschiedlichen Arbeitsbereiche des Ausstellungsprojektes Shifting Focus durch Zustiftungen, Spenden und Sponsoring, mit ihren Förderbeiträgen oder als Kooperationspartner unterstützt haben. Wir bedanken uns für Ihr Engagement und das Vertrauen, das Sie Shifting Focus entgegenbringen.
Thank you to our benefactors, donors and sponsors
We would like to give special thanks to our donors and sponsors, who provided extensive support for the many departments of the exhibition project Shifting Focus, whether through endowment contributions, donations and sponsorship, through financial pledges or as cooperation partners. We thank you for your commitment to and trust in Shifting Focus and the exhibiting artists.

Thank you for all the lovely donations through our Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign!
Special Thanks to: Katia Labeque, Helen Dyson, Massimo Padelli, Clarice Kiyoko Deguchi, Waldir da Silva, Eva Trabandt, Fabian Reimer and Vitor Gruber
Also: Fernanda Mayumi Kanashiro, Laust Deleuran, Erik Irmer, Eilidh Hamilton, Laure Delmotte, Anais Gailhbaud, Daniele Bacchi, Johanna Hehmsoth, Andrea Ghezzi, Jose Antonia, All Sumlin, Ernani Paterra, Antonin Martin Hilbert, Philip Trabandt, Gaia Vettori, Cyrille Lallement, Eva-Lotte Reimer, Laura Salvo, Sandra Just, Anai Tirado, Giuseppe Salvo, Mariana Arce, Andreas Rohde, Daniela Sun, Gregoire Geiger, Cláudia Megumi Matuhita, Sebastian Castiblanco, Leonor Bermejo, Claudia Benders, Marco Vincenzi, Christiane Voss, Jo McManus, Nadine Fischer, Kevin Haase, Nick Hurd, Sunil Shah, Dalva Faria, Stephanie Abendt, Annett Rieger, Nini Presisch, Paula Alamillo, Helena Sofia Ribas
Kickstarter Donators: please click here to download the Reward Catalogue